Tuesday, June 10, 2014



Hola Bros !

I’ve enjoyed this year blogging for my spanish class. I have learned a lot to new things. I’ve learn how to use different ways of technology or softwares that helped me create projects that i had to do in class. I’ve learned and gained a new sets of skills that will help me in the future for future class’s that i will have. I can use them to help me boost my projects so that they can become better. Throughout all of the projects that we have done in this class we all have learned some new sets of skills. If people said they didn’t they’re lying or maybe they’re not. But I personally didn’t know how to edit html for blogs or adding/inputting videos in your blog.
My favorite activity was creating the vokis and the voicethreads. I really liked it because i learned that you can just use a website or a software that will just record your voice and you’ll be fine. The Difficult thing that i found was the recordings actually because my partner and i would record ourselves and then it wouldn’t save. So we had that problem for some of our projects.
I believe that i will be adding some new blogs from time to time. but i highly doubt it. If we still continue with this for next year than i would be glad to keep on adding new blogs for all of my viewers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris, I am so glad that you enjoyed blogging and the related activities, like creating your Voki and VoiceThreads, this year. You will be able to take advantage of these skills for other classes, as well as just for fun, in the future. I know it is frustrating when you encounter technical difficulties, like things not saving, with technology, but you should be proud of yourself that you worked through them. I hope you have a great summer and that I will see you at the library a lot next school year. Sincerely, Mrs. Lofton
